Grade 8
Due date: Sunday 10,2020
A Smashing Performance!
DIRECTIONS: Read the story. Complete the chart below.

Raymond wanted to be in the school talent show, but he wasn’t
getting much support from his friends.
“I hate to tell you this, Ray,” Peter said, “but you don’t have any real
“I can play the guitar,” Ray said.
Peter looked at him doubtfully, but Ray didn’t care. He signed up for
the talent show. He practiced day and night, so that he could play the
one song he knew without making a mistake.
On the day of the talent show, Ray was very excited. He was going on
right after Frank’s skateboard demonstration. He was so excited, that
when his turn came, he hurried out to the stage without making sure that
Frank and his skateboard had been cleared
away. Ray stepped on Frank’s skateboard and
sailed across the stage, off the other side, and
down into the audience with a crash. As he hit the
ground, he struck a chord with a loud twang, and
his guitar strings popped. Ray was mortified, but
suddenly everyone began to clap. Ray’s
performance was the most exciting thing they
had seen all day!

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
1. Raymond wanted to be in the talent show.
2. Ray wanted to play the one song he knew without making a mistake.
3. Ray was very excited.
4. Ray hit the ground.
5. Ray’s performance was the most exciting thing they had seen all day!

1. Ray signed up for the talent show.
2. Ray practiced day and night.
3. Ray hurried onto the stage without making sure that Frank and his skateboard had been cleared away.
4. Ray struck a chord with a loud twang.
5. Everyone began to clap.