Lesson 11 English School: ISB ãÏÑÓÉ ÇáÈÇÓá

Theme : Pollution

A New World To Live In


1_ ignorance (n) : a lack of knowledge about something. Ìåá

2_ equilibrium (n) : a state of balance. ÊæÇÒ ä

3_ habitable (adj) : suitable or good enough to live in. ÕÇáÍ ááÓßä

4_ abscond (v) : escape / flee. åÑ È

5_ bombard (v) : attack (a place or person) continuously with bombs, shells, or other missiles. ÞÕÝ

6_ thermal (adj) :relating to heat “thermal conductivity”. ÍÑÇÑí

7_ blazing (adj) : very hot ãÔÊÚá .

8_strike (v) : hit. ÖÑ È

9_stable (adj) : ( of an object or structure) not likely to give way or overturn; firmly fixed. ãÓÊÞÑ

10_ desertification (n) : the process by which fertile land becomes desert, typically as a result of drought, deforestation, or inappropriate agriculture .ÊÕÍÑ

11_drought (n) : a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water. ÌÝÇÝ

12_ thrive (v) :grow and progress. íäãæ æíÒÏåÑ

13_selfishness (n) : the quality or state of being selfish ; lack of consideration for other ppeople. “an act of pure selfishness” ÃäÇäíÉ

Grade 6 ( A, B)

Miss Majdoline Shimaly 🌼